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- Macadamia Baking Flour (1kg)
- Almonds Raw (1kg)
- Almonds Roasted (1kg)
- Almonds Roasted & Salted (1kg)
- Antioxidant Trail Mix (1kg)
- Dried Apple Wedges (1kg)
- Apricot Turkish Choice (1kg)
- Breakfast Booster (1kg)
- Caramel Coated Cashew (1kg)
- Yoghurt Coated Cashews (1kg)
- Our story
- The Deli
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- Almonds: CSSR vs NPS
- Newsletters
- What is Propolis
- What are the benefits of Colloidal Silver?
- Delicious Zucchini Pizza Crust
- Our Recipes
- InfoBites
- Overnight Oats
- Cranberry-Almond Energy Balls
- Apple Pie Energy Balls
- Apricot-Ginger Energy Balls
- Carina’s Granola Recipe
- Easter Hot Cross Buns - Gluten-Free!
- Potato Bake with Tomato-Lentil and Béchamel Sauce
- Sun-Kissed Roasted Chickpea Salad with Sweet & Spicy Flair
- Honey Cake with Flaked Almonds
- Loaded Quinoa with Honeyed Beetroot & Carrots and Hazelnuts